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American Banjo Camp

Camp Information


Lake Flora

We're located at the Pilgrim Firs Conference Center, a beautiful sylvan setting near Port Orchard, Washington. Early September is often blessed with glorious weather in the northwest, and workshops can be held indoors or outdoors, depending on weather conditions. We're only 40 miles across the Sound from downtown Seattle, but the environs on the Olympic Peninsula are quite lovely and picturesque. The Site Info page discusses the meals at camp, driving/travel directions to get to camp, how to find things at camp (e.g. a camp map), and lodging possibilities.


The American Banjo Camp always takes place on the weekend following the Labor Day weekend. The Regular Camp runs from Thursday afternoon to Sunday afternoon, and the Weekend-Only option runs from Friday noon to Sunday afternoon.

What to Bring

Our What To Bring page lists Essential Items, Recommended Items, Optional Items, and Forbidden Items. If you're traveling a long distance to camp and can't bring an essential item let our site coordinator know, we may be able to help out.

Facebook ABC Page and ABC Group

We're still not exactly sure what all the different functions of these two Facebook pages are, but you can reach other ABC attendees and post photos from camp easiest on the "Group" page. Please do post! For instance, Matt Jenson posted five cool videos (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, and part 5, one for each day of his trip from Calgary, BC) on the ABC Group Page; here are three of those short videos in little windows (you can make them full page if you want).

Once again, the two pages are the ABC Group Page and the ABC Page. If you have a picture to post or a comment to make we'd love to see or hear it! For questions you can easily reach us (Peter, Ken, Linda) through our Contact Us page.

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