I've been writing programs that compose music since about 1980; this is a sample of some of that work (excerpted from a program written in 1986) for your amusement and possibly edification.
When you click on the COMPOSE button, a small suite of programs will compose a bluegrass banjo instrumental and express the result as MIDI data. If you have a MIDI browser plug-in*, a MIDI synthesizer attached to your computer, or a stand-alone MIDI player program, you can play the results!
Select a key and a tempo. If you select multiples the program will choose randomly among them.
* The free MIDI browser plug-in from Jazz-Soft (https://jazz-soft.net) is one possibility. I use it to listen to results and although the sounds aren't great, it makes it easy to decide which MIDI files to download to be fed to better-sounding syths later.
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