Fun_People Archive
8 Sep
QOTD - Holm, 5/26/99
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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 100 13:35:38 -0700
To: Fun_People
Precedence: bulk
Subject: QOTD - Holm, 5/26/99
X-Lib-of-Cong-ISSN: 1098-7649 -=[ Fun_People ]=-
Forwarded-by: Kevin Johnsrude <>
"You are your own best computer -- stark naked. You do not require
electricity, only an occasional pork chop or a love affair, or a
scratch behind the ears. Your hard drive is always intact and you
already own the necessary software. If you don't think this is true,
ask a neighborhood farmer about his quarter-million-dollar combine that
will revolutionize agriculture, then look at the rotting ghosts of old
combines in the grove behind his barn. If you know how to do everything
a computer can do, and can afford one, it might save you some time on
menial tasks. Then again, it might not. The information highway leads
down from the cerebellum to the spinal cord, and to the hands, and back
up, passing through the deluxe non-electric blood pump into your
personal ingrown Apple. Bill Gates makes tools, probably not as useful
to humanity in the long run as a socket wrench; something else made you
- your mother and father. You are nature's perfect information system."
- Bill Holm, a professor of English at Southwest State University in
Marshall, Minnesota. He is the author of Coming Home Crazy and
Eccentric Islands. Prof. Holm gave the above commencement address at
Rainy River Community College in International Falls, Minnesota, on
May 26, 1999. (
© 2000 Peter Langston