Fun_People Archive
18 Oct
Aching midget balls

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 99 12:34:15 -0700
To: Fun_People
Precedence: bulk
Subject: Aching midget balls

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Once there was a midget in Texas who complained to his buddy that his balls
ached all the time.  As he was always talking about his aching balls, his
friend suggested that he go to the doctor and see what he could do to
relieve the problem.

The midget took his advice and went to the doctor and told him what the
problem was.  The doctor told him to drop his pants and he would have a look.

The midget dropped his pants and the doctor put him up onto the examining
table and proceeded to look for the trouble.  The doctor put one finger
under his left ball and told the midget to cough, which he did.

"Ah! Ah!" Mumbled the doctor and putting his finger under the right one asked
him to cough again, which he did.  "Ah! Ah!" Said the doctor and reached for
his surgical scissors.

Snip, snip, snip on the right side and then snip, snip, snip on the left
side.  He told the midget to pull up his pants and see if it still ached.

The midget was delighted as he walked around the doctor's office and his
balls were not aching!  "What did you do Doc?" he asked.

"I cut two inches off the top of your cowboy boots."

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