Fun_People Archive
4 Oct
Alternative calendars

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Mon,  4 Oct 99 17:25:28 -0700
To: Fun_People
Precedence: bulk
Subject: Alternative calendars

X-Lib-of-Cong-ISSN: 1098-7649  -=[ Fun_People ]=-
From: "Andrew C. Bul+hac?k"

>From: Todd Larason <>
> 	"Next year is the year 2000." Sez who? The Gregorian calendar isn't
> 	the only one out there, you know. In addition to the well known and
> 	still used Hewbrew and Islamic calendars, there are many others
> 	floating around, ranging from the ancient and very non-Western Aztec
> 	and Mayan calendars, to the downright goofy Tranquility calendar (with
> 	the year zero set to July 20, 1969) and the Thelemic calendar, based
> 	on Aleister Crowley's mystical hokum.

For those who haven't seen it, there's a good article by Robert Anton Wilson
presenting eleven non-Christian calendars.  These range from relatively
mainstream ones such as the Hebrew and Islamic calendars to more exotic ones
such as the Mayan, 'Pataphysical and Poundian calendars; and of course RAW's
variant on the Erisian calendar (differing slightly from the one in my copy
of the Principia, but hey, it's Discordianism we're talking about), as well
as RAW's Illuminati Calendar.

There's a copy at

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