Fun_People Archive
26 Apr
A Sad and Crazy Week for America

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 99 21:35:18 -0700
To: Fun_People
Precedence: bulk
Subject: A Sad and Crazy Week for America

X-Lib-of-Cong-ISSN: 1098-7649

From: Katya Chorover

Dear, Peter
Greetings!  It's been a sad and crazy week for America, between continuing
events in Kosovo and the shocking scenes in Littleton, Colorado.   On the
surface, we are so comfortable, so insulated, and then the weapons, and the
racist hatred explodes in a "typical suburban school". The young survivors
faced things veterans of war dream of forgetting.  Bill Clinton comes on TV
and says how tragic, how mad, these kids must learn to solve their problems
with words, not weapons, yet he cant seem to take his own wisdom to heart.
Kosovo is complex, also tragic, and definitely not to be ignored... But when
bombs sent to destroy a TV station also inadvertently wipe out part of a
successful Belgrade Children's Theater, can we really ignore the impacts
upon the innocents there?  Are these civilians really to be targets?  I
don't usually send this sort of rant, but if WE don't talk about this stuff,

My husband, John had the privilege of being at a reading by poet and
philosopher Gary Snyder this weekend.  Gary said that while science and
facts are important tools for promoting cultural change, people really
change based on their HEARTS. Music and art, he said, are the best ways to
reach people there. So, here's to the artist and the creative soul in all
of us.  Maybe someday we can reclaim this great nation from the gun industry
and the other machines of war.

Hope to see you soon!
--Katya  (featured artist list)           (links and updated show information)

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