Fun_People Archive
13 Apr
04/13/99 - ShopTalk

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 99 11:51:57 -0700
To: Fun_People
Precedence: bulk
Subject: 04/13/99 - ShopTalk

X-Lib-of-Cong-ISSN: 1098-7649
Excerpted-from: 04/13/99 - ShopTalk

                        Tuesday April 13, 1999

   "Next week they're going to auction off an original boarding pass to
    the Titanic -- I've got one of those - it's my contract with CBS."
							- David Letterman

Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush announced that his dad is
going to start campaign fundraising for him.  "Meanwhile, Republican Dan
Quayle announced that his dad is going to start letting him use the riding
lawn mower." (Conan O'Brien)

Tabloids says there are photos of George W. Bush dancing nude on a bar.
"This is not good for Bush to be seen flip-flopping this early in the
campaign." (Jay Leno)

"Monica Lewinsky has a severe ache in her shoulder.  Doctors say it could
either be from signing so many copies of her book, or from complications
arising from post-traumatic dress disorder." (Zack Taylor - Westwood One
Radio Network)

"Nice to know the Midwest will never get bombed -- no clear skies. Plus,
it's already level. (Michael Feldman - "Whad'Ya Know?" - 300 NPR stations)

Retired Packer Reggie White reveals he left the game because women reporters
were ogling him in the shower, and he's just this short of a first down.

Andre Agassi said in Hong Kong Saturday that his marriage to actress Brooke
Shields was over. Love: 0 (Jim Rosenberg)

Al Gore invented the Internet, yeah right - that was the week after Dan
Quayle released version 1.0 of his Spell Check utility for MS Word.  (Bruce
N. Goren)

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