Fun_People Archive
5 Nov
The Comedian's-eye View of 11/03/98 -- ShopTalk

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Thu,  5 Nov 98 13:04:56 -0800
To: Fun_People
Precedence: bulk
Subject: The Comedian's-eye View of 11/03/98 -- ShopTalk

X-Lib-of-Cong-ISSN: 1098-7649
Excerpted-from: 11/03/98 -- ShopTalk

Truth Will Out: Scientists announced a new drug that helps restore memory.
"The Republicans love this new pill. It's strong enough so that President
Clinton can remember being alone with Monica, but weak enough so that George
Bush can't remember if he was in the loop on Iran-Contra." (Argus Hamilton)

Big Spenders: The GOP launched a $10-million advertising blitz attacking
President Clinton and the scandal. "They're spending $10 million to attack
a guy's who's not even running, and they want to convince us they'll be
frugal with our money?" (Premiere Radio)

A Penny Saved: Congress and President Clinton agreed on a budget that still
left the U.S. with $50 billion in the bank. "It's simply a matter of pride.
We don't want anyone to think that we're suing Bill Gates for the money."

Something Different: A new drug can help people with a shyness disorder.
"It'll replace an older drug, called booze." (Premiere Radio)

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