Fun_People Archive
20 Oct
Jimmy Buffet in Heaven

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 98 11:56:27 -0700
To: Fun_People
Precedence: bulk
Subject: Jimmy Buffet in Heaven

X-Lib-of-Cong-ISSN: 1098-7649
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After Jimmy Buffett dies and enters the Pearly Gates, God takes him on a tour.

He shows Jimmy a little two bedroom house with a faded parrot banner hanging
from the front porch.

"This is your house, Jimmy. Most people don't get their own houses up here,"
God says.

Jimmy looks at the house, then turns around and looks at the one sitting on
top of the hill. It's a huge two-story mansion with white marble columns
and little patios under all the windows. Tie-died flags line both sides of
the sidewalk and a huge Grateful Dead banner hangs between the marble

"Thanks for the house, God. But, let me ask you a question.  I get this
little two bedroom house with a faded banner and Jerry Garcia gets a mansion
with brand new Grateful Dead banners and flags flying all over the place.
Why is that?"

God looks at him seriously for a moment, then with a smile, God says,
"That's not Jerry's house, Jimmy; it's mine!"
[That explains a lot.  -psl]

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