Fun_People Archive
6 Oct
The Comedian's-eye View of 10/06/98

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Tue,  6 Oct 98 11:14:19 -0700
To: Fun_People
Precedence: bulk
Subject: The Comedian's-eye View of 10/06/98

X-Lib-of-Cong-ISSN: 1098-7649
Excerpted-from: 10/06/98 -- ShopTalk

                          Tuesday October 6, 1998

	"This is a family show, Mr. Disney
			- Katie Couric, chiding Disney CEO Michael Eisner
			after he used the phrase 'pain in the ass' during
			an interview on 'Today'


Banned in Cincinnati: Larry Flynt has offered a million bucks to women
who've had affairs with Congressmen.  He's just trying to spice up his
magazine to compete with its chief rival.  The Ken Starr Report. (Alan Ray)

Peter Principle: The Pentagon estimated that it would spend about $50
million in the coming year to provide Viagra to American troops and military
retirees. Now that the Cold War is over, they want to win the short-arms
race. (Tom Feran)

Power of Pete's Pen: Pete Wilson vetoed a bill that would have required HMOs
to cover mental illness.  "It was unnecessary because most crazy people are
covered by their plan as elected government officials." (Gary Easley)

The Reserves: The fiscal year has ended with the first budget surplus since
1969.  "The Democrats want to save the surplus for Social Security.
Republicans want a tax cut.  I want an apology from them both for putting
us in debt in the first place."  (Premiere)

Mountain Man: Ross Perot made an appearance on CNN and berated President
Clinton.  "He was just nuts...You get the feeling that if Ross Perot hadn't
gotten rich, he'd be writing manifestoes in a cabin in Montana?" (Jay Leno)

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