Fun_People Archive
21 Jul
Metaconspiracy Theories

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 98 23:43:57 -0700
To: Fun_People
Precedence: bulk
Subject: Metaconspiracy Theories

X-Lib-of-Cong-ISSN: 1098-7649
From: William White <>

I woke up today from a fairly sound sleep into that twilight consciousness
stage where thoughts get a bit wacky, and came up with the following bit of
meta-conspiracy absurdity.

Most of us have probably noticed the rapid rise in conspiracy theories (I
could list a bunch of them, but they usually have to do with aliens,
Kennedy, the HAARP array, etc.).  What if all these conspiracy theories were
really started by a top-secret branch of the government (insert three-letter
acronym here), for the purpose of keeping people's minds occupied by silly
conspiracies, so they ignore the real problems in our society (unequal
division of wealth between classes, for example) -- problems which don't
have easy answers ...  With everyone worrying about aliens landing at Area
51, who's going to think about the dark underbelly of our booming economy?

Of course, one could also argue that *this* conspiracy idea is planted by
the same government branch too in order to draw attention away from <insert
zero-level conspiracy theory here>.  But somehow I doubt that our government
is capable of engineering even a simple conspiracy, let alone one three
levels deep.

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