Fun_People Archive
25 Mar
Situations Caused by Second-hand Marijuana Smoke

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 98 19:12:52 -0800
To: Fun_People
Precedence: bulk
Subject: Situations Caused by Second-hand Marijuana Smoke

Forwarded-by: TomRawson <>
Forwarded-by: ChristianBremser <>

Top ten computer industry situations caused by second-hand marijuana smoke:

10: Sun considers...buying Apple.

 9: Sun considers buying Netscape.

 8: Compaq does buy Digital Equipment.

 7: Let's call that product "Bob."

 6: Let's call our sons Maverick and Dakota.

 5: We only need two digits in the date field.

 4: Windows 95.

 3: I said I wanted Adobe, not a doobie.

 2: Windows won't work without the Explorer browser, your honor.

 1: Java is just a programming language.

---Scott McNeally, quoted in C|Net .

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