Fun_People Archive
17 Feb
Weirdness[519] - 16Jan98

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 98 00:29:11 -0800
To: Fun_People
Precedence: bulk
Subject: Weirdness[519] - 16Jan98

Excerpted-from: WEIRDNUZ.519 (News of the Weird, January 16, 1998)
		by Chuck Shepherd

* Michael Guilbault, 19, pleaded guilty in December to robbing a Raleigh,
N.C., convenience store two months earlier.  According to the prosecutor,
a delayed getaway helped police make the capture.  Guilbault and his
accomplice were to meet their friends Heather Beckwith, 18, and Curtis
Johnson, 19, back at the getaway car nearby, but when the robbers arrived,
they found the doors locked and the couple inside "in the act," as the
prosecutor put it.  Guilbault and his colleague were forced to wait until
the couple had finished before they could get in the car, but by that time
witnesses had noticed the two men pacing and yelling at the couple.

* Mayors Out of Control:  In December, Mayor Daniel F. Devlin, 51, of Upper
Darby, Pa., defeated for re-election the month before, was charged with
robbing a local bank of $1,500 by claiming to have a bomb.  Three days
earlier, Mayor Craig Johnson, 41, of Snow Hill, Md., was arrested and
charged with malfeasance in office for permitting one of the town's police
cars to be used in pornographic photos that were distributed on the
Internet.  According to police investigators, Johnson had also promised the
pornographers access to a NASA facility on nearby Wallops Island, Va., but
no photos from that site were found.

* In September, Brother Eric Metivier, 28, was charged with aggravated
assault for allegedly stabbing Brother Fernard Bremaud, 71, several times
in a dispute at the Trappist Fathers monastery near Holland, Manitoba.

* During a televised visit to a nursing home in Tokyo in September, Japan's
Emperor Akihito, trying to pick up the game of paper-scissors-rock, lost to
resident Toshiko Arai, who showed scissors.  Thus, by house custom, the
emperor was obliged to give the woman a shoulder massage.

* George Shea, of Nathan's Famous in Brooklyn, N.Y., acknowledging in July
the continuing Japanese superiority in hot- dog eating contests, but
pointing out American hopeful Joey Serrano of Philadelphia, who had just
eaten 17 in 12 minutes:  "This kid has the excitement you see only in a
young athlete who is just becoming aware of the miracles his body can
perform on the field of combat."

	Copyright 1998 by Universal Press Syndicate.

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