Fun_People Archive
7 Jan
Dork side of the Moon

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Wed,  7 Jan 98 16:43:46 -0800
To: Fun_People
Precedence: bulk
Subject: Dork side of the Moon

Forwarded-by: Nev Dull <>
Forwarded-by: "Kevin D. Clark" <>
Forwarded-by: Internet Oracle <>
Subject: Internet Oracularity #968-08

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

> O masterifrivorubiquitious Oracle,
> What did they mean "Dork side of the Moon"?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Pathetic geeks are in the lab
} Pathetic geeks are in the lab
} They're playing "Quake" and hacking "Perl" and "C"
} Got to keep the cola flowing free
} Pathetic geeks are in the house
} Pathetic geeks are in my house
} The paper trays are spilling docos on the floor
} And every day the FSF writes more
} And if your script terminates many lines too soon
} And if compilers trample on your stack
} And if your disk overflows with 8 Meg coredumps too
} I'll see you on the dork side of the moon
} Six hundred lines of crufty code
} Six hundred lines of crufty code
} You mount the disk, you parse the list
} You crash and burn until I'm pissed
} You hog the core
} And threaten sanity
} Someone could maintain this code, but it ain't me
} And if your newsfeed dumps some spam into your spool
} And if you write in COBOL like a fool
} And if your boss says "Make it run on Win NT"
} I'll see you on the dork side of the moon
} You owe the oracle a rare red vinyl copy of the 1979 album "Pink Floyd's
} Very Yiddish Hanukkah."

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