Fun_People Archive
19 Dec
[Fwd: [Fwd: I don't give a shit (fwd)]]

Content-Type: text/plain
Mime-Version: 1.0 (NeXT Mail 3.3 v118.2)
From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 97 22:43:24 -0800
To: Fun_People
Precedence: bulk
Subject: [Fwd: [Fwd: I don't give a shit (fwd)]]

[Like any sane, self-respecting person not born yesterday, I routinely
 discard chain letters and delete chain e-mail messages.  But somehow, this
 message seemed to represent the real essence of the pyramidal chain letter
 idea...  I couldn't resist it...  -psl]

Forwarded-by: Eric Steese <>
Forwarded-by: Alan Griffin
Forwarded-by: Amy Norman <>
Forwarded-by: Christine Zaehler <>

This letter is being sent to you since we know you are critically interested
in your front lawn and the spring season will soon be on us.  This is a
fertilizer club and it will not cost you a cent to join.  Upon receipt of
this letter, go to the address at the top of the list and shit on that
person's front lawn.  You will not be the only one there, so don't feel
embarrassed.  Then remove the top name, add your name to the bottom of the
list, make seven (7) copies of this letter and send it to seven (7) of your
friends who appreciate good lawns.  You will not get any cash or checks,
but in one week, if this chain is not broken, there will be 823,543 people
shitting on your front lawn.  Your reward will come next summer when you
have the greenest front lawn in your neighborhood.

Mrs. Lucy Bowels
20 Poopie Park

Mr. Hugh Janus
2 Suppository Drive

Mrs.Pyle O. Crap
1422 Enema Street

Mrs. and Mrs. Tooka Frizzick
343 Running Loose Road

Mrs. and Mrs. Smelly B. Hind
476 Diarrhea Way

Mrs. and Mrs. C. Howie Farts
89 Rectum Road

Mrs. and Mrs. A. Bigger Movement
276 Fertilizer Place

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