Fun_People Archive
10 Dec
Football Advice
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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 97 23:18:55 -0800
To: Fun_People
Precedence: bulk
Subject: Football Advice
Forwarded-by: "Otermat, Dennis E" <>
Forwarded-by: Cantu, Emilio G
Forwarded-by: Christen, Charlie C
Barry Switzer, clearly upset about the Dallas Cowboy's losing record,
decides to find out from Steve Mariucci what his secret is. So, Switzer
travels up to a 49er practice and asks Mariucci, "Coach, how is it that your
team is so good? What's your secret?"
Mariucci responds by calling Steve Young over. "Steve, who's your father's
brother's nephew?" Young answers, "Why coach, that's easy. It's me."
Mariucci turns to Switzer and says, "That's the secret, Barry. A smart
quarterback. You've got to have a smart quarterback."
Thinking he's finally got all the tools he needs, Switzer returns to Texas
and the Cowboy work-out. He promptly calls over Troy Aikman. "Aikman! Who's
your father's brother's nephew?" Troy looks perplexed, thinks a minute and
says, "Coach, can I get back to you after practice on that one?" Switzer
(disgusted) says, "OK."
During practice, Aikman calls over Deion Sanders. "Deion, coach just asked
me the weirdest question. Who's your father's brother's nephew?" Sanders:
"Duh! That's easy. It's me!"
After practice, Aikman catches up with Switzer: "Coach, I think I've got
it. My father's brother's nephew is Deion Sanders."
Switzer (angrily): "No, No, NO! You idiot!! It's Steve Young!!!"
© 1997 Peter Langston