Fun_People Archive
23 Nov
Important Information: Pace of Different Countries

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Sun, 23 Nov 97 21:33:39 -0800
To: Fun_People
Precedence: bulk
Subject: Important Information:  Pace of Different Countries

The rank of 31 countries for overall pace of life and for three measures:
time downtown pedestrians take to walk 60 feet, time it takes a postal clerk
to complete a stamp-purchase transaction, and accuracy of public clocks.

Forwarded-by: Jon Orwant <>
From: the November 1997 issue of American Demographics, describing research
      by Robert Levine:

		Overall		Walking		Postal		Public
	        Pace		60 feet		Service		Clock

Switzerland	1		3		2		1
Ireland		2		1		3		11
Germany		3		5		1		8
Japan		4		7		4		6
Italy		5		10		12		2
England		6		4		9		13
Sweden		7		13		5		7
Austria		8		23		8		3
Netherlands	9		2		14		25
Hong Kong	10		14		6		14
France		11		8		18		10
Poland		12		12		15		8
Costa Rica	13		16		10		15
Taiwan		14		18		7		21
Singapore	15		25		11		4
United States	16		6		23		20
Canada		17		11		21		22
South Korea	18		20		20		16
Hungary		19		19		19		18
Czech Republic	20		21		17		23
Greece		21		14		13		29
Kenya		22		9		30		24
China		23		24		25		12
Bulgaria	24		27		22		17
Romania		25		30		29		5
Jordan		26		28		27		19
Syria		27		29		28		27
El Salvador	28		22		16		31
Brazil		29		31		24		28
Indonesia	30		26		26		30
Mexico		31		17		31		26

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