Fun_People Archive
6 Oct
A Sleepy Butt, Plumber's Fees, and Mother of Six

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Mon,  6 Oct 97 13:09:59 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: A Sleepy Butt, Plumber's Fees, and Mother of Six

Forwarded-by: Rea Mills <>
Forwarded-by: Pat Adams <>

Two old women are sitting on a bench waiting for the bus.  The buses are
running late, and a lot of time passes.  Finally, one woman turns to the
other and says, "You know, I've been sitting here so long, my butt fell
asleep!'.  The other woman turns to her and says "I know! I heard it

Doctor comes home and finds he has no water so he calls a plumber.
The plumber walks in and has the water back on in 5 minutes.
The plumber turns around and hands the doctor a bill for $275.00.
The outraged doctor stammers "I'm a Neuro-surgeon, not some damn dumb
plumber, and I don't even make that much for 5 minutes work!"
The plumber smiles and says "Yeah, I know, I didn't make that much when I
was a Neuro-surgeon either"

Joe was proud of his family of six children.  He frequently referred to his
wife as "Mother of Six," much to her annoyance.  Finally, she cured him of
his habit.  At the end of a big party, Joe called out loud enough for
everyone to hear, "Ready to go, Mother of Six?"  "Any time you are," she
replied, "Father of Four."

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