Fun_People Archive
23 Sep
The Continuing Adventures of Superman

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 97 16:52:46 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: The Continuing Adventures of Superman

Forwarded-by: "ED SENGSTACKEN" <>

    It's a lazy Sunday.  Spiderman is busy making a new web; Batman is busy
cleaning the batcave; and Superman is bored.  So he decides to drop in on
Wonderwoman to see if she will join him for a drink or two.  He comes up to
her door and knocks, but there's no answer.  He crosses his arms, activates
his X-ray vision, and looks thru the door...  he sees Wonderwoman naked on
her bed, writhing and moaning.  "Wow!  With my speed I can probably get in,
have her and leave, and she won't even notice."  So he does.  Wham!  Bam!
He's in and out like the wind.

"Hmmm... did you feel something just then?" asks Wonderwoman.

"I sure did!" says the Invisible Man.

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