Fun_People Archive
13 Jun
Weirdness [482] - 2May97

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 97 14:56:05 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: Weirdness [482] - 2May97

Excerpted-from: WEIRDNUZ.482 (News of the Weird, May 2, 1997)
		by Chuck Shepherd

* In April, the town council of Cambre, in Galicia state in northern Spain,
voted legal, marriage-like status to nontraditional unions, but the
controversy was not over a same-sex couple.  The precipitating event was
the recent nuptials of Daniel Pena and his sister Rosa Moya Pena, who have
lived together for 18 years and have kids aged 5 and 11.  The council's
decision provoked outrage almost everywhere else in Spain.

* On April 3, less than 24 hours before he was due to be executed for
beating three people to death with a bowling pin in 1991, Phillip Wilkinson
was taken off North Carolina's death row and sent for mental evaluation
because guards found two suicide notes in his cell.  According to prison
authorities, that is, a person scheduled to die the next day but who wants
to kill himself the night before might be insane and therefore cannot be
executed.  And on April 1 in Texas, convicted murderer David Lee Herman
slashed his throat a day before his scheduled execution, but he was patched
up and, a day later, given his lethal injection.

* In April, Leslie Joseph Moran, 20, was sentenced to probation in Regina,
Saskatchewan, for shoplifting, but on condition that he dress himself in
other than designer-label clothing for the next two years.  Moran is said
to find Nike and Chicago Bulls items irresistible.

* Chris Steen filed a $55,000 lawsuit against the town of Ipswich, S. D.,
in February after he fell on a sidewalk that had rough edges.  He claims
the town failed to maintain the sidewalk in good condition, which is not an
unusual claim except that Steen is the mayor of Ipswich.

* In October, Kim Novacs told reporters she would file a $1 million lawsuit
in West Palm Beach, Fla., against an alligator that her husband killed the
year before.  The 6-foot-long gator scared the couple's little girl, causing
Keith Novacs to shoot it, for which he was convicted of poaching.  Mrs.
Novacs cited a 1993 Florida court case in which an endangered species animal
was the named plaintiff in a case and argued that if such an animal can be
a plaintiff, it can be a defendant, with the state Game and Fish Commission
liable for any damages.

* The Associated Press reported in March that Mario Dulceno, 81,
of New Orleans believes he can continue his avocation as a stripper
for another "two, three years."  According to the dispatch,
"Although time has wrinkled his skin, there's little flab, his legs are
nicely shaped, and he sports an even tan."  Said a club owner, "The
women went crazy over him.  I call him super Mario."

    Copyright 1997 by Universal Press Syndicate.

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