Fun_People Archive
10 Jun
QOTD - Rianne Eisler

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 97 13:37:09 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: QOTD - Rianne Eisler

Forwarded-by: (Luke McGuff)

    The wonder is not that there are so many problems, so many personal and
social tragedies, that we so often form dysfunctional relationships and
cause ourselves and others so much pain. Given the load of distortion,
misinformation, negative conditioning, and just plain nonsense we have lived
with for so long, the wonder is that we have functioned at all.
    That even staggering under this load we have still managed to love one
another is a tribute to the human capacity, and tenacity, for seeking
pleasure rather than pain, caring rather than conquest, and above all,
connection -- with one another and with all that is creative and loving in
ourselves and our world.
--Rianne Eisler, "Sacred Pleasure: New Paths to Power and Love", p. 161

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