Fun_People Archive
19 May
La Capote noire

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Mon, 19 May 97 02:04:20 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: La Capote noire

[You don't really have to know French to figure out this joke, but if you're  
stumped you can consult the hint at the end... -psl]

Forwarded-by: Salma Hayek Is Pretty <>

An English couple were in Paris when the wife died. The husband wanted the
funeral there, and needed to buy a black hat for the funeral. He mistook
the word "chapeau" and went in search instead for a "capote".

Asking where he could get a capote, he was directed to the chemist's shop,
where he asked for a capote noire.

The man behind the counter said, "Capote noire, capote noire?  Monsieur, we  
have some capotes jaune (yellow), and capotes rouge (red), but black... we  
don't have them.  Why would you want a capote noir?

The poor widower replied "It's for my wife.  She's dead."

"Ah" replied the shop man, "you English... what finesse!"

[Yes, he was asking for a black condom...  -psl]

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