Fun_People Archive
10 Apr
The Comedian's Eye View of 04/10/97

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 97 01:15:52 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: The Comedian's Eye View of 04/10/97

Excerpted-from: 04/10/97 -- ShopTalk

                       Thursday April 10, 1997

     "I've made seven movies in 10 years. I used to make seven movies
      in two years.  The thing is, it's very different to get a lead in a
      movie when you are over 60. Sean (Connery) does it, but Sean's his
      own thing.  Clint Eastwood does it. But they're the only two.  I'd
      rather be a lead in a big TV thing than struggling on the edges of a
      movie, unless I've got a great part."
                             Michael Caine, who will play Captain Nemo
                             on ABC's "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea"


"Beautiful here in L.A., beautiful spring weather," says Jay Leno.  "The
sun came out, the flowers came out, Ellen DeGeneres came out."

Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan has helped L.A. through some rough
disasters, says the Daily Scoop: "The fires of '93, the earthquake of '94,
the CBS prime time lineup of '95..."

"Liar Liar" topped $100 million, a record for a non-summer release, says
Bob Mills.  "Jim Carrey couldn't be happier. He's been advised by his
accountants that it is now financially feasible for him to buy up every
outstanding copy of "The Cable Guy."

Family Ties: "A study shows that the more hours a child spends in day care,
the less affectionate he is toward his mother," says Jeff Rothpan.  "It also
says your kid is in day care too long when you take him home and he calls
it a sleepover."

Scientists report that girls reach puberty much earlier than was previously
thought.  "University of North Carolina researchers found that some begin
as early as 8 and develop a desire for their own credit card and telephone
before learning to walk." (Mills)

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