Fun_People Archive
25 Mar
Explicit Elvis Evidence Exposed!

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 97 12:47:01 -0800
To: Fun_People
Subject: Explicit Elvis Evidence Exposed!

From: <>

There's always someone somewhere who claims to have had an Elvis sighting.
Most people who claim to have seen Elvis still alive wind up calling
National Enquirer. Sometimes the people at the Enquirer follow up, but often
they don't. However, this particular time they were definitely intrigued.

It wasn't the usual type of Elvis spotter, but a retired Harvard professor.
And he said he had "irrefutable photographic evidence" that Elvis was
actually alive.

So the Enquirer sent a reporter to the professor's remote home in the
mountains of northern Vermont. When the reporter arrived, the elderly
professor took him downstairs to the basement, where the professor unlocked
the door to the room where he kept the evidence. Then finally the reporter
was able to see it himself. It was one snapshot, a shot of the professor
standing in front of the house -- alone.

The reporter didn't get it. "Where's the photographic proof of Elvis?" he
asked the professor.  "Don't you see?" replied the professor, "Elvis took  
the photo!"

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