Fun_People Archive
10 Feb
Excerpted: BONG Bull No. 409!

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 97 12:17:08 -0800
To: Fun_People
Subject: Excerpted: BONG Bull No. 409!
References: <>

Forwarded-by: Keith Bostic <>
Forwarded-by: (Mike Linksvayer)

MAXIMS. Brian Morton, voice of the White House Office of National Drug
Control Policy, reflected, "Back in my collegiate days at the University
of Maryland, many of the people who worked at the newspaper, the
Diamondback, also worked across the hall at the radio station, WMUC
('MUCkers,' as they are known).
     "The sports director of the radio station, now a columnist at a major
eastern daily, had to explain to some of the newly-minted print wretches
the fact that, although they are not 'seen' by the listener, the comma is
still an important part of a sentence in radio copy.
     "'Remove the commas, and it imparts a whole new meaning to the
sentence, "Ranger Dan, And His Big Dog, Dick."'"

LIKE AN EAGLE.  Pat Perkins, sports editor of the Observer of La Grande,
Ore., observed, "Newspapers often keep quiet when controversial issues
involving themselves arise. Bob Chandler, the late owner of Western
Communications, a company of newspapers in Oregon and northern California,
once told Redmond, Ore., Spokesman editor Ted Kramer, 'An eagle doesn't
s--- in its own nest.'  (Perkins:
     True, and that attitude prevailed among editors for decades, about
errors.  It was thought that publishing "minor" corrections would stir
the stink.  So, from one day to the next, the abduction suspect would
change mysteriously from retired schoolteacher Mr.  Smith of Plum Street
to paroled felon Mr. Smith of Pump Street.  Newspapers seldom used space
on corrections columns until a few libel juries pointed out the little
features' usefulness.

There's nothing like a company picnic to make people behave, and
BONG Chief Copyboy Charley Stough, Dayton Daily News, 45 S. Ludlow
St., Dayton, Ohio 45401 salutes NYTNS hotdoggers worldwide.  Phone
(937) 225-2445 after 5 p.m. eastern.  E-mail  Fax

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