Fun_People Archive
27 Jan
Hoist with That Petard!

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 97 15:16:29 -0800
To: Fun_People
Subject: Hoist with That Petard!

Forwarded-by: <>

"Every time the Democrats cheat on ethics, the law or simply act secretly
and in defiance of the public anger against Washington, we must highlight
it and protest it. We are the guardians of the public's right to know."

-Newt Gingrich, from 'Renewing American Civilization' 3/19/93, cited in NYT

[I imagine Newt would stick by this, even today--because of that  
all-important fourth word, "Democrats."
    Meanwhile, I notice Newt didn't have much of a copy editor.  That first  
sentence gets lost at least twice before it stops on an antecedent-free "it."
    Ah well.  I'm sure the money Newt saved on copy editors went to some  
good use...  -psl]

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