Fun_People Archive
21 Jan
Pick Your Own Personal Hell...

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 97 20:19:27 -0800
To: Fun_People
Subject: Pick Your Own Personal Hell...

Forwarded-by: Joyce Marie McCosco <>

A programmer dies and goes to hell.  Upon arrival he meets the Devil who
says "We run things a bit differently nowadays, you get to pick your own
personal hell."

"Oh, that not so bad, whatcha got?"  The Devil says "Well, I'm going to open
a series of doors; you can look inside, assess the situation and then tell
me if that's where you want to spend eternity."  "Oh, okay."

The devil opens the first door and there's a room of people standing on
their heads on a hardwood floor and grimacing horribly.  "Ouch, that seems
painful.  It's not for me, what's next?"

The devil opens the next door to reveal the same situation, only on concrete
floors with even more horrible grimaces.  "That looks even worse; got  
anything left?" asks the man.

The devil opens the third door to reveal a room full of people standing
knee- deep in manure drinking coffee and talking.  "Well, the manure sure
smells bad, but I could stand the smell and drink coffee all day; it's kinda
like being a programmer.  I'll take this one."

The devil lets him in the room and shuts and locks the door.  As the door
closes, a whistle blows and a loudspeaker says, "Okay, coffee break's over."

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