Fun_People Archive
10 Jan
A Local Fun_Correspondent Writes...
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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 97 16:45:04 -0800
To: Fun_People
Subject: A Local Fun_Correspondent Writes...
From: (Mary Fleischman)
As I drove by one of the (way too many) Microsoft Corporate Plazas on
my way to work this morning I was struck by the name of the new residents
(or owners?). The sign on the building read "Mic Soft". I was wondering
if this was a Northwest Nouveau rendering of "McSoft" or some relation to
erstwhile port commissioner Mic Dinsmore. Or...(need I say more)
From: (Mary Fleischman)
I was paying only slight attention to Cokie Roberts's analysis of the
hubbub over Knute Gingrich's recent troubles, when I had to stop and
pinch myself. She actually referred to Knute as "ethically challenged!"
Is this the birth of a new politically correct label?
Upon reflection I knew in my heart that Cokie had no idea what she was
saying here...
[Are you sure? Cokie can be a kooky cookie... -spl]
© 1997 Peter Langston