Fun_People Archive
16 Dec
The Venerable SPAM Haiku Harvest...
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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 96 03:23:52 -0800
To: Fun_People
Subject: The Venerable SPAM Haiku Harvest...
[There are some new ones here, hidden among the old, familiar glistening
cubes of spork... -psl]
Forwarded-by: (Alan Garren)
Grotesque pinkish mass
in a blue can on a shelf
quivering alone
Like some spongy rock,
a granite, my piece of spam
in sunlight on my plate
Oh Argentina!
Your little tin of meat soars
above the pampas
The color of Spam
is natural as the sky;
a block of sunrise
Little slab of meat
in a wash of clear jelly;
now I heat the pan
Oh tin of pink meat
I ponder what you may be;
snout or ear or feet?
In the cool morning
I fry up a slab of Spam.
A dog barks next door.
Pink tender morsel,
glistening with salty gel.
What the hell is it?
Ears, snouts and innards,
a homogeneous mass.
Pass another slice.
Cube of cold pinkness
yellow specks of porcine fat.
Give me a spork please.
Old man seeks doctor.
"I eat SPAM daily," he says.
Highly unnatural,
The tortured shape of this "food."
A small pink coffin.
Slicing your sweet self
salivating in suspense
Sizzle, sizzle...Spam.
Wedding catered by
Hormel. Reception marred by
Sudden illnesses
Pink beefy temptress
I can no longer remain
What is more awful
Than the sound of squishing Spam?
A Kenny G tune.
Hannibal Lecter
eats livers, but no pig snouts.
Silence of the Spams.
© 1996 Peter Langston