Fun_People Archive
9 Dec
Weirdness [458] - 15Nov96

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Mon,  9 Dec 96 17:10:00 -0800
To: Fun_People
Subject: Weirdness [458] - 15Nov96

Excerpted-from: WEIRDNUZ.458 (News of the Weird, November 15, 1996)
		by Chuck Shepherd

* According to an Associated Press report, a nighttime "Oprah Winfrey"-type
TV talk show in Stockholm, Sweden, on Sept. 26 featured an actual
gynecological exam of a woman, conducted on stage before a studio audience.
The host, Lotta Aschberg, said she personally was "fascinated."

* A New York Times report on the first day's rescue operations for TWA
Flight 800 in July mentioned a man in an Army uniform who showed up at the
crash site command center and helped direct helicopter traffic for about 12
hours before those in charge realized they had no idea who he was.  Though
authorities agreed that the man had done a fine job, he was escorted from
the area.  In October, the man, David Williams, pleaded guilty to one count
of unauthorized practice of a profession and was sentenced to six months in
jail.  Previously, he had impersonated a physician diagnosing medicare
patients for a private firm and teaching physician seminars, and in both
cases, employers were pleased with his work despite the fact that he is not
a doctor.

* An Indonesian prison guard, identified only as S. M., on trial in
September for helping inmate Eddy Tansil escape, testified that Tansil did
give him about $400 but denied it was a bribe.  He said he was good at his
job as a jailer, and "I only took the money as a tip."

* According to a Canadian Press report in September, a customer at the
Napierville, Quebec, pet shop Animalerie Napierville threatened to report
the shop to the government's French- language monitoring office because she
was shown a parrot that spoke only English.

Copyright 1996, Universal Press Syndicate.  All rights reserved.
No commercial use may be made of the material or of the name
News of the Weird.

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