Fun_People Archive
30 Nov
Weirdness [457] - 8Nov96

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Sat, 30 Nov 96 20:54:08 -0800
To: Fun_People
Subject: Weirdness [457] - 8Nov96

Excerpted-from: WEIRDNUZ.457 (News of the Weird, November 8, 1996)
		by Chuck Shepherd

* Several news services reported in October on the growing number of
"telephone clubs" in Tokyo in which men (mostly middle-aged and older) talk
sex with junior-high and high school girls, who use mobile phones for
privacy from parents and teachers.  According to the Wall Street Journal,
perhaps 8 per cent of schoolgirls participate at least occasionally.  Many
of the calls lead to dates and actual sex because of the serious money the
girls can make to feed their habits of expensive designer clothing and
accessories.  The age of consent in the city of Tokyo is 12, and
prostitution is illegal only if procured through a pimp.

* Quality Time:  In July, a 33-year-old woman in Stone Mountain, Ga., was
arrested and charged with hitting her 15- year-old son on the wrists with
a meat cleaver after he broke the TV remote control unit.  And in July,
police in Newark, N. J., said a woman pushed her 9-year-old daughter through
a department store window after learning that the girl had left the family's
$900 on a city bus.  And in July, police in Tunbridge Wells, England,
arrested a couple in their 20s who were lying on the ground outside a sports
shop having sex in the middle of the day, with the woman using one of their
two kids as a pillow for her head.

* Apparently little has been done about the alarming report in News of the
Weird in 1988 that an ingredient in barnacle- resisting boat paint was
causing spontaneous sex changes in a snail called the dog whelk.  A British
biologist reported then that female dog whelks were developing sperm ducts
and growing penises "of alarming lengths." A Canadian government biologist
said in September 1996 that similar findings were reported in the country's
Atlantic provinces.  In Halifax (Nova Scotia) Harbor, his team found 50
female dog whelks with penises.

Copyright 1996, Universal Press Syndicate.  All rights reserved.
No commercial use may be made of the material or of the name
News of the Weird.

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