Fun_People Archive
6 Nov
The seven deadly sins of highly successful people.

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Wed,  6 Nov 96 19:54:54 -0800
To: Fun_People
Subject: The seven deadly sins of highly successful people.

Forwarded-by: Keith Bostic <>
Forwarded-by: Darren Chng <>
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[in v age owA,wj,wJ,ws. in v age efma,ba,sa-iHdyhA,j,J,s clearly A-zwxahij,yz]

	-- by Tom McNichol, San Francisco

You plowed through "The 7 habits of Highly Effective people" and what did
it get you?  Nothing, effectively.  By now, you have realized it takes more
than effectiveness to climb to the top in today's competitive business

After traveling across the country and interviewing hundreds of upper level
managers, corporate executives and government leaders, I have identified
seven behavioral habits (or "Sins") common to all highly successful people.
Remember:  Without Sin, there is no Synergy!


In the global economy, pride no longer cometh before a fall -- it cometh
before a promotion.  If you are not proud of your self and your work, who
is going to be?  Not your back-stabbing colleagues, that is for sure.


Merely hoping to get ahead is a hopelessly outmoded advancement strategy in
the information age.  You have got to want to advance with a passion that
will eat away like battery acid at everything that gets in your way.
Practice the art of visualization.  Imagine yourself in the job you desire.
As clearly and honestly as you can, visualize what has to happen to the
person who has the job for you to take over.  Feels good, doesn't it?


Lust is the motor oil that lubricates the modern corporate engine.  There
is no limit to how far lust can propel a career.  The trouble many leaders
have is they fail to prioritize lust episodes.


In business, learning to say "no" is not enough anymore.  In today's global
economy, successful bosses have to be able to say "Hell, no!!"  Anger is a
critically important motivational tool for managers, a way of empowering
oneself by disempowering everyone else in the room.


Successful people get more because they want more.  They are gluttons for
achievement; they crave advancement; they pig out on success.  They have
learnt how to screen ethical and emotional distractions and engage in
single-minded pursuit of acquisition and consumption.  In a dog-eat-dog
world, it is always time to eat.


Turn passive jealousy of a successful coworker into proactive envy.  Rather
than sulking over your rival's recent promotion, do something about it.
Point out how many times he has been late for work or left the office early.
Shake your head sadly over his recent "erratic" behavior.  Drop dark hints
that he might have a drug problem.


The 70's were about working hard.  The 80's were concerned with working
smart.  As we approach the millennium, we are undergoing a critical paradigm
shift in which the leadership roles will be filled by those who do not do
any work at all.

Show me a busy boss and I will show you someone who is not squeezing the
last drop of productivity out of his workers.  Keep in mind that it is the
employee who shows no aptitude for getting the job done who is taken out of
the productive flow and made an upper-level manager.

In the end, the Seven Deadly Sins of Highly Successful People are only a
blueprint for action.  It takes you to implement them and rescript your

Remember:  The wages of Sin are...... higher wages!

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