Fun_People Archive
26 Oct
Ain't Private Enterprise Wonderful?

Content-Type: text/plain
Mime-Version: 1.0 (NeXT Mail 3.3 v118.2)
From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 96 19:33:53 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: Ain't Private Enterprise Wonderful?

Forwarded-by: (David Fox, Fox Home Office)

[... It's a bulk mail message asking you how you feel about bulk mail, and  
then asking you to pay $2.99 to voice your opinion!!

Vote Yes or No for Bulk E-Mail!!

The hottest issue on the Internet is unsolicited e-mail,
affectionately referred to as SPAM. I've heard it said that stopping
spam would be an infringement on one's right to free speech as well as
freedom of the press. People on the other side say that unsolicited
e-mail is an invasion of privacy.

Which side are you on????

Most of you are aware of the battles in court (state and federal
level) involving this issue. Because of the impact these legal
decisions will have on us all I feel it necessary to voice my opinion
as I hope you do. I don't know if public opinion can have a bearing on
this issue but I intend to find out.

I am conducting a survey and hope you will take part. The results of
this survey will be published in 2 national publications as well as
being posted on the appropriate news groups. The results will also be
made available to the management of the online services on the
Internet (aol, compuserve, ect. ). We will also send the results to
all the congressmen and women in the USA.

If you wish to take part in the survey and wish to contribute to the
expense of publishing the results you can do so by

a  "YES"  vote   (In favor of unsolicited e-mail)  will be recorded by
selecting ext .# 1910

a  "NO"  vote   (against unsolicited e-mail ) will be recorded by
selecting ext. # 1911

let your opinion be known

You will be charged $2.99 for your call and you must be at least 18
years old to participate.

If you do not wish to receive information such as this in the future,
 please hit "reply" and type "remove" in the subject line.  You will
 be automatically removed from our list.  Since we never resell our
 list, you will never receive another e-mail due to our database

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