Fun_People Archive
26 Sep
MSNBC / T.W.A. explosion

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 96 15:14:53 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: MSNBC / T.W.A. explosion

From: Jim Propp <>

I just read a passage in the Sept. 16 issue of The New Yorker that sent
shivers down my spine, made my hairs stand on edge, froze my blood, and
curdled the rest of my bodily fluids.  It comes from an article about
the new Microsoft/NBC network and its competitors (see p. 106):

"... The network [MSNBC] outpaced CNN at the outset, with its coverage of the
T.W.A. crash ..."

Hmm.  It's kind of strange that MSNBC just _happened_ to be in place at the
time of this tragic (and extremely newsworthy) event, isn't it?

I'd offer my own speculations on this coincidence, but there's some very
insistent knocking on my door right now and I think I'd better go see who

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