Fun_People Archive
19 Sep
Software for Suicide

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 96 10:24:39 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: Software for Suicide

Forwarded-by: Keith Bostic <>
Forwarded-by: (Rick Ace)

The following appeared in the Devil's Advocate article in Unix Review 8/96:

An article in the April 19, 1996, San Francisco Chronicle, page E1, shows a
picture over the title "Software for Suicide" and reports that an Australian
doctor has a computer program called "Deliverance," which is hooked up to an
intravenous drip system.  The final question posed by the software is "If
you press Yes, you will cause a lethal injection to be given within 30
seconds and will die.  Do you wish to proceed? Yes/No."

The following questions were posed around this morning's office water-cooler

1. Is there a shareware version of this software you can try before you buy?
2. If the default answer to the "Yes/No" question is "Yes," what are the
   chances of a dyxlesic [sic] person responding "No"?
3. After you respond "Yes," does the software close with the message
   "Program terminating -- Thanks for using Deliverance -- Have a nice day!"?
4. Will the next release include a word-processing utility so you can leave
   a note?
5. Does the good doctor provide 30 days' support for his product?
6. Will user testimonials be included in the product advertisements?

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