Fun_People Archive
26 Jul
WhiteBoardness - 7/24/96
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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 96 22:58:22 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: WhiteBoardness - 7/24/96
Excerpted-from: WhiteBoard News for Wednesday, July 24, 1996
This item comes by way of Mike Laverty:
Brisbane, Australia:
Any veteran crocodile handler with all his fingers and toes probably knows
that crocodile mouths are dangerous places.
Now that the government has drawn the same conclusion, it felt compelled to
publish official crocodile-handling guidelines.
According to the new publication, inserting your hand into the mouth of a
crocodile is dangerous. In fact, the Queensland government warns crocodile
handlers not to place any part of one's body in the mouth of a crocodile.
The Workplace Health and Safety guide for the burgeoning crocodile industry
also warns, under the heading "Unsafe Activities," not to sit on the back
of a crocodile.
A spokeswoman for the industrial relations department says until now there
have been no guidelines for handling crocodiles, despite the operation of
some 17 farms and parks throughout the state.
Work on the guide began in 1994 following a fatality on a crocodile farm.
There have been 16 fatalities since 1974.
"It seems pretty clear that our body-search techniques aren't good enough."
Oslo, Norway, police Inspector Leif Ole Topnes, on a male prisoner who spent
two weeks in the women's cellblock despite two body searches.
New York, New York:
New York police say Willie King's arrest on charges he mugged 94-year-old
Yolanda Gigante may be the least of his troubles.
King, 37, is accused of snatching Gigante's wallet as she walked in
Greenwich Village with one of her sons, a Roman Catholic priest.
Yolanda Gigante is also the mother of Vincent "The Chin" Gigante, reputed
head of the Genovese crime family, one of the nations' most powerful
criminal organizations.
Lima, Peru:
In international group of scientists claimed Monday to have discovered the
source of the Amazon River, which carries a fifth of the world's flowing
water, in a remote creek.
They said the first waters of the Amazon emerge from an underground glacier
at the Apacheta Crevice, 16,958 feet above sea level in the southern
Peruvian Andes.
"The source of the Amazon had not been unquestionably identified before,
and there were many contradictory opinions," said a statement by the group.
© 1996 Peter Langston