Fun_People Archive
18 Jul
Trivia: internet and the home PC user
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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 96 11:20:30 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: Trivia: internet and the home PC user
[The moral? Don't be another statistic! -psl]
Forwarded-by: Keith Bostic <>
Forwarded-by: Mike Olson <>
Forwarded-by: (Chuck O'Neill)
These figures are from a recent study by Telecommunications Reseach Group
done for the gaming industry (I rounded off all the numbers)
40% of US homes have a PC
24% of these have a modem
8% of these have some form of online connection
8% of these use the internet
30% of those surveyed couldn't name an online service (including the internet)
51% don't know how to use their modem
87% can't tell you what the internet is
90% can't tell you what the world wide web is
44% can't tell you the size of their hard drive
25% can't tell you what kind of processor they have
© 1996 Peter Langston