Fun_People Archive
11 Jul
political quotes (fwd)

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 96 00:37:22 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: political quotes (fwd)

Forwarded-by: (m.b.komor)
Forwarded-by: (Jane Beckman)

With apologies to Velcro... ;-)

Here is Krauthammer (I believe a Washington columnist) on the Clinton's

"This is no Teflon presidency. This is Velcro. Everything sticks to
this man -- Flowers and Jones, Whitewater and Filegate. But it does
not matter. Expectations of presidential character have fallen so
low with Clinton that the people can believe the worst about him
and still want him where he is."

Bob Dole (or why this is a surreal presidential race):

                                                    QUOTE OF THE WEEK:

      "My wife was here six days last week, and she'll be back  next week,
and she does an   outstanding job.  And when I'm  elected, she will not be
in charge of health care. Don't  worry about it. Or in charge of anything
else.  I didn't say that. It did sort of go through my mind. But she may
have a little blood bank in the White House. But that's all right.  We need
it.  It doesn't cost you anything.  These days, it's not all you give at the
White  House - your   blood.  You have to give your file."

      " I keep  wondering if mine's down there. Or my dog. I got a dog named
Leader. I'm not certain they've got a file on Leader. He's a schnauzer. I
think he's been cleared. We've had him checked by the vet but not by the FBI
or the White House. He may be a suspect, but in any event, we'll get into
that later.  Animal rights or something of that kind. But this is a very
serious election."

           -  - Verbatim transcript of a Bob Dole speech in Bakersfield,

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