Fun_People Archive
13 Jun
Who writes this stuff?

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 96 00:21:16 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: Who writes this stuff?

From: "Gregg H. Porter" <>

Thursday night, June 13, I was watching a program on cable television's The
Learning Channel.  The show, called "What Happened?", was examining
structural failures, such as the old Tacoma Narrows Bridge ("Galloping
Gertie.")  There was a lengthy segment, featuring news footage, interviews,
computer models and reconstructions of the skywalk collapse at the Kansas
City Hyatt Regency in 1981.  Portions of the program focused on engineering
underestimations of structural physics, human errors in the changes in
blueprints, etc.

During a break, they aired a commercial for Dodge trucks, which asked the
question: "If we violate the laws of physics, will we be punished?"

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