Fun_People Archive
5 Jun
From the doctor

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Wed,  5 Jun 96 13:32:41 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: From the doctor

Forwarded-by: (Bob Stein)
Forwarded-by: (Dan Otte)

The following are from actual medical transcripts dictated by doctors.

 1. On the 2nd day the knee was better and on the 3rd day it had completely

 2. The patient has been depressed ever since she began seeing me in 1993.

 3. She was divorced last April.  No other serious illness.

 4. I will be happy to go into her GI system; she seems ready and anxious.

 5. Patient was released to the outpatient department without dressing.

 6. Dr. Blank is watching his prostate. The patient was advised not to  go
    around exposing himself to other people.

 7. Patient developed a puffy right eye, which was felt to be caused by an
    insect bite by an opthamologist.

 8. The patient refused autopsy.

 9. The patient has no history of suicides.

10. Apparently the mother resented the fact that she was born in her forties.

11. He had a left toe amputation one month ago.  He also had a left leg
    amputation a year ago.

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