Fun_People Archive
5 Jun
Advice from Third Graders
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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 96 10:59:02 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: Advice from Third Graders
Forwarded-by: (Alan Garren)
Recently a third grade class in Gallup, New Mexico was asked to create a
chart of good advice for themselves and others to follow. They arrived at
sixteen items they deemed essential for success in life.
1. You never know when a bit of string will be useful.
2. Always help people.
3. Never spit on your shoes.
4. Pick good friends.
5. Six feet on the floor. [your 2 feet and the 4 legs of your chair]
6. Get an education so you can get a job.
7. Never mess with Greek Gods.
8. Never take personal checks from a gypsy.
9. Read.
10. Pick up your own mess.
11. A backup plan never hurts.
12. Never trust a leprechaun.
13. Do not put a plastic bag on your head.
14. Armpit noises can cost you reading marks.
15. Never go up a strange chimney.
16. Pay attention.
[One of these items does not belong... -psl]
© 1996 Peter Langston