Fun_People Archive
3 Jun
A Mini Story

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Mon,  3 Jun 96 22:48:00 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: A Mini Story

Forwarded-by: Lani Herrmann <>
Forwarded-by: (Jennifer L Michael)
Forwarded-by: rec.humor.funny

A man was driving along in his mini (in England) and it broke down.  He was
parked on the verge trying fix it when a Jaguar stopped and the driver
offered to help.  After a few minutes they realized they just weren't going
to get the mini going, so the Jaguar driver offered to tow the mini.  Using
the only piece of rope they could find, they hitched up the mini to the
Jaguar. and agreed that, if anything should go wrong, the mini would blow
his horn and flash his lights as a signal to stop.  So off they went.

As luck would have it, at the first red traffic light a Ferrari pulled up
beside the Jaguar and revved the engine provocatively a few times.  When
the lights turned to amber, the Ferrari and the Jaguar burned rubber and
were both soon doing 140mph.  Just at that moment they went through a speed
trap whose policeman immediately radioed in for assistance saying:

    "You won't believe what I just saw; a Ferrari and a Jaguar doing 140mph
   side by side and a mini behind them, fairly bumping them off the road,
   flashing his lights and blowing his horn to pass".

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