Fun_People Archive
31 May
The George Burns of his breed.

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Fri, 31 May 96 13:10:47 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: The George Burns of his breed.

Forwarded-by: Keith Bostic <>
Forwarded-by: Don Fitzpatrick <>

He's been called "The George Burns of his breed."  Now "Married With
Children's" Buck the dog has moved on to the big milk bone in the sky.
Buck, the French Briard who starred as the "Bundy" family dog on the show,
died of natural causes over the weekend.  He was 13, which surpasses the
average life span for his breed (usually ten to 12 years.) In his last
year, Buck was able to live a bit of the good life.  He retired at the
age of 12 to a ranch in  Acton, California.  Steve Ritt, Buck's trainer,
is currently working on plans for a memorial service.  (Turner
Entertainment Report)

[Note that, while 13 dog-years are equivalent to ~91 of our years, 13 sitcom-
 years would be equivalent to 677.846 of our years, and 13 sitcom-dog-years
 should be equivalent to a whopping 4,744.922 of our years, or so...

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