Fun_People Archive
10 May
The Comedian's Eye View - 5/13/96

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Fri, 10 May 96 18:02:17 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: The Comedian's Eye View - 5/13/96

Excerpted-from: 5/13/96 -- ShopTalk

The California Assembly voted to lay off its last elevator operator.  Says
Gary Easley, "Now legislators will be pushing their own buttons.  But PACs
and lobbyists will continue to pull their strings."

The Starbucks chain and Red Hook Ale are teaming up to make a drink that
combines coffee and beer.  "Who is this for?" asks Jay Leno.  "People who
never want to leave the bathroom?"

A former drummer for Crosby, Stills & Nash is suing the band because they
stopped paying royalties after he wrote a book about their lifestyle. "Maybe
you've seen it," says Bill Maher.  "It's called the 'Physician's Desk

On Bette Midler promoting compost heaps, the Cutler Daily Scoop says, "Our
boss has done that plenty of times."

Nick at Nite says "The Lucy Show" is its top-rated program.  Says Argus
Hamilton, "Some people can't get enough of seeing a crazy redhead in
lipstick get into one jam after another.  So they watch Dennis Rodman on

Still fuming: The average price of gas has dropped by half a cent per
gallon.  "Oooo, baby!" says Pearstein.  "Now I can afford half of that grape
I've always wanted."

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