Fun_People Archive
10 May
The Bastard Operators from Washington

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Fri, 10 May 96 16:57:13 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: The Bastard Operators from Washington

Forwarded-by: Keith Bostic <>
From: Wendell Craig Baker <>

The IRS says a 2nd consecutive year without a budget increase would hurt
tax collections and ``service.'' The IRS budget is $7.35 billion in 1995,
down from $7.48 billion in 1995.  They want $8 billion for 1997.

This is for 109,050 full-time employees, an increase of 2,699 over 1996.
The IRS closed 93 walk-in assistance windows in 1996, and reduced the hours
at the other 442.

Now, there are roughly 250 million people in the United States.  The 1996
IRS budget gives them $29.40 for each person in the country.  This is just
to keep their own lights on; then they start collecting the taxes.

Sen. Judd Gregg of New Hampshire (R) suggests that April 15 be changed to
the ``Tax Freedom Day.''  This is the day upon which the average American
has earned enough money to pay all his or her federal, state and local taxes
for the year.  That date was May 7 this year.

ISI Group in New York says total federal, state and local taxes as a
percentage of nominal gross domestic product are `very close' to a record

The IRS approved 59.8 million individual income tax refunds as of April 26,
up 4% from a year ago.   The dollar amount of refunds surged 15% to $73.3
billion from $64 billion a year ago.  The average refund was $1,226 up from

H&R Block chief executive Richard Browsn says that the year ending April 30
was ``an exceptional tax season'' and ``firmly supports our belief that this
is a growth business.''

And as you go to work today, realize that ``Tax Freedom Hour'' is at about
lunchtime.  That gives you the rest of the afternoon to earn your supper.

Sources: SJMN 9-May-96, WSJ 8-May-96

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