Fun_People Archive
8 May
Snip, Poink-Poink

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Wed,  8 May 96 12:54:38 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: Snip, Poink-Poink

Forwarded-by: Keith Bostic <>
From: Network World, April 29, 1996, page 112.

Excerpt of interview with Scott Adams:

Q: If you could trade places with anyone in the computer industry,
   who would it be?

A: I'd like to be Marc Andreesen for the next few years to enjoy the
   downward spiral of uncontrolled debauchery that accompanies early
   wealth. Then I'd trade back just before the Ferrari hits the phone pole.

Q: What are your favorite and least favorite computer-related acronyms?

A: SCSI is my favorite because you can use it to insult your computer
   without incurring its wrath.  Unix bothers me because I imagine the
   sounds "snip, poink-poink" when I hear it.

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