Fun_People Archive
19 Apr
Re: AOL.COM took the *WHAT* out of "Country?"

Date: Fri, 19 Apr 96 13:46:51 -0700
From: Peter Langston <psl>
To: Fun_People
Subject: Re: AOL.COM took the *WHAT* out of "Country?"

Forwarded-by: Dan Tenenbaum <>
Forwarded-by: Julian Jiggins
From: 	Nick Berry

Having access to a large database of European towns, a couple of queries
later reveals that 'Scunthorpe' is not the only town in Europe which would
cause AOL a problem.

There are the following towns in Europe :

Cunta, Romania
Srpski Cunti, Croatia
Cuntis, Spain
Prnjavor Cunticki, Croatia

Looking for other juvenile words, how about '*arse*' ?
<Please close this mail now if easily offended, the examples get worse>
[He means funnier, I think...  -psl]

A long list, here are a few examples :

Marseille, France
Garsere, Latvia
Harsefield, Germany

Speaking of Germans, they like their tit's, hundreds of matches including :

Titz, Germany
Taltitz, Germany
Groptitz, Germany
Burntitz. Germany (Ouch!)
Alt Pastitz, Germany

Although Germany is not alone, how about :

Titov, Macedonia
Titova, Latvia

But, Austria takes the biscuit, having not only a town called :

Fucking, Austria    [ 48 deg 03'N  13 deg 51' E ]

But also

Unterfucking, Austria
Oberfucking, Austria

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