Fun_People Archive
11 Apr
May's gonna be a GREAT month!

Date: Thu, 11 Apr 96 15:31:09 -0700
From: Peter Langston <psl>
To: Fun_People
Subject: May's gonna be a GREAT month!

Forwarded-by: Keith Bostic <>
From: Chris G Demetriou <Chris_G_Demetriou@UX2.SP.CS.CMU.EDU>

According to the folks at Good Vibrations (on the web:, May is:

	National Masturbation Month

and May 7 is:

	National Masturbation Day

Mark your calendars!

[Hmmm... our staff at Fun_Research_Central is still checking into this matter,  
but hasn't yet been able to find where these dates are defined...  so this may  
be a hoax!  Could it have really been April or even March?  -psl]

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