Fun_People Archive
29 Mar
Deception in the name of Christ! [report from Buchanan supporters]

Date: Fri, 29 Mar 96 17:07:03 -0800
From: Peter Langston <psl>
To: Fun_People
Subject: Deception in the name of Christ!  [report from Buchanan supporters]

[Warning: general frothing-at-the-mouth, back-stabbing, and self-righteousness  
ahead (along with a smattering of bad grammar and spelling); please proceed at  
your own risk!  -psl]

Forwarded-by: Keith Bostic <>
Forwarded-by: Phil Agre <>

[The received wisdom is that Ralph Reed's work on behalf of Bob Dole in
the South Carolina primary greatly increased the Christian Coalition's
standing as a broker within the Republican Party.  But this was quite a
risky move on Reed's part, given that so many people in his organization
were working for Pat Buchanan or even Alan Keyes.  The Republican Party
now consists of two equally powerful factions, a corporate establishment
group that controls the national party organization and a Christian Right
group that controls most of the state party organizations.  Both groups
have extensive local organization.  The question is whether the
leaderships of both groups can keep their organizations in line long
enough to take power, or whether factionalism will provide further ammo
to Bill Clinton.  I give them even odds right now.]

This message was forwarded through the Red Rock Eater News Service (RRE).

Subject:       Deception in the name of Christ!

The Free Voice Political Action Report

KENNETH L. LOWNDES      Telephone 609-667-0396
[Contact Person]        Fax 609-486-1405


Subject:  Baker-Swaggart, Now Robertson-Reed?


Outraged members of the Christian Coalition are steaming at the abuse of
that organization in favor of p[artisan politics seen as favoring the
candidacy of "the cardboard candidate" Bob Dole.  Not every rank and file
member of the Coalition favors Dole like Ralph Reed and his mentor, Pat
Robertson.  The much touted Christian Coalition "Voters Guide," which claims
Dole has a "100%" pro-life voting record in the Senate has left many members
ready to lead a revolt.

"Bob Dole voted for F.A.C.E., he voted for Federal funding of fetal
experimentation, he voted to confirm Clintons' US supreme court pro-
abortion-to- the-core justices Ginsburg and Breyer.  It isn't as if Pat
Robertson and Ralph Reed don't know this, they do.  The lie they are
spreading is a deliberate lie, and in open contradiction of the I.R.S. C-4
classification they choose for the organization.  They are deliberately
perpetrating a fraud against the Christian voters by wide-spread
dissemination of this lie, a calculated effort to illegally assist the Bob
Dole for President campaign.

Many Christian voters are busy people like everybody else.  If the Christian
Coalitions Voters Guide state that Bob Dole has a 100% pro-life voting
record, they vote based on that information. This is an outrageous fraud,
which undermines and discredits the efforts of the coalition nation-wide to
provide reliable information about candidates on major issues." declared
Kenneth Lowndes, who still retains the title of Co- Chairman of the Camden
County Christian Coalition of New Jersey.

"If Ralph Reed or Pat Robertson wish to support Bob Dole, that is clearly
their right to do as individuals.  It is clearly their right to do as
individuals.  It is clearly wrong for them to co-op the use of the
Coalitions Voters Guide as a part of their private effort to elect Bob

Page 2.  "Blasphemy" ....continued

"We are sick and tired of seeing the Christian Coalition take up partisan
positions and efforts to support any body in the race but a true Christian.
Could you imagine a Jewish coalition that every time it had an opportunity
to support a Jewish candidate, refused to do so?  Or a Black coalition that
only backs white candidates, even when there is a Black candidate?  This is
clearly the pattern of the leadership of the National Office in Virginia of
the Coalition. 'Let's take a look at the Christian candidate and find
reasons to avoid backing their efforts.'  Robertson-Reed clearly have an
acquired Christian-candidate inferiority complex they need to work out on
their own."

Bob Dole, as decent as he may be,  did not discontinue his attendance at
the Clinton/Dole Foundry United Methodist Church in WDC, out of a conversion
of the heart but after their common affiliation with this "church" gained
nationwide publicity.  This so-called "church" preaches that the Bible isn't
reliable, that homosexuality is good for individuals as well as good for
America.  Bob Dole may be a nice guy but that is not the Christianity found
in the Bible.

Most Christians take the clear truth of the Bible very seriously. These are
NOT fringe issues. These things matter.  They may not matter all that much
to Robertson or Reed but they do to nearly every other member of the

"We call upon Robertson and Reed to immediately halt the distribution of
the Bob Dole Campaign's alleged Christian Coalition Voter Guides; further,
to issue public apologies to individual members of the Coalition who in good
faith support good candidates like Pat Buchanan and others, and to make that
apology substantial spend twice the amount of the money publishing and
distributing these fraudulent voter guides on a radio/tv/newspaper media
effort to communicate this apology.  This apology campaign must be
broadcasted through-out every state where they have attempted to rig the
election outcomes with these fraudulent voter guides."

The Coalitions fundraising efforts came from supporters of other candidates
across the board. They do not consent to have these funds used to advance
one particular candidate; they especially do not consent to deception and
lies about pro-life voting records.

Short of that, we call upon all those of good will to begin filing
complaints with the Federal Election Commission in Washington, DC, by
notarized statements, requesting the appropriate sanctions be applied to
Robertson-Reed.  Their miss-conduct must be addressed.  This type of
anti-Christian activity by people in the name of Christ is intolerable and
must be stopped by all proper means.  It is with great sorrow that this
response has been made essential by the activities of these otherwise good

--30, end of press release

SPECIAL NOTE:  It seems highly unlikely that such blatant support coming
from Robertson-Reed comes without the knowing approval of Senator Bob Dole,
presenting the additional appearance of collusion.  The question that now
comes forth is:  "What did Bob Dole know, and when did he know it."  It is
our considered opinion that investigations are now in order.
 - - - - - - - - - - - - -end - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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