Fun_People Archive
26 Mar
How to Form Your Very Own Silicon Valley Startup

Date: Tue, 26 Mar 96 14:17:18 -0800
From: Peter Langston <psl>
To: Fun_People
Subject: How to Form Your Very Own Silicon Valley Startup

Forwarded-by: Keith Bostic <>
Forwarded-by: Mike Olson <>
Forwarded-by: sandra (Sandra Farkas)

How to Form Your Very Own Silicon Valley Startup
	-- By Laura Lemay

Step 1:  Go to Menlo Park.  Find a tree.
Step 2:  Shake the tree.  A venture capitalist will fall out.
Step 3:  Before the venture capitalist regains its wits, recite the
         following incantation:  "Internet! Electronic Commerce!
         Distributed Enterprise-Enabled Applications!  Java!"
Step 4:  The venture capitalist will give you four million dollars.
Step 5:  In 18 months, go public.
Step 6:  After you recieve your check, go back to Menlo Park.  Find a tree.
Step 7:  Climb it.  Wait.

(Laura wrote "How To Teach Yourself Web Publishing with HTML in a Week"
and "More...")

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